3 Buttocks exercises for back pain - Mon Wellness
3 Buttocks exercises for back pain

3 Buttocks exercises for back pain

siAby had back pain and it may be due to your buns, Hun! “Your back muscles can and will compensate for inactive glutes,” says Natalie Sampson, DPT, owner of Symmetry Physical Therapy in Calabasas, California. “The buttocks may be inactive due to weakness, or because they are tight or tight.”

In particular, your middle glute – located on the side of the hip – is one of the main stabilizers of the pelvis and if it is not strong enough or does not have the range of motion needed to hold your hips in place as you move, your lower back will end up overtime. “If you have weakness on one or both sides, your back muscles need to overcompensate and work harder,” he adds.

Everyone experiences low back pain differently. He may feel pain or acid. You may even find that your pain starts to get acute and then turns into dullness and pain. It’s very personalized, but any pain should alert you to pay attention to your body.

One of the cases that you may notice the most is when you walk. “When you take a step with your right foot, your left foot comes off the ground. “Your middle glute on the right side prevents your pelvis from falling and your back muscles on the left also help,” explains Dr. Sampson. “It simply came to our notice then. The buttocks of the right side open and the left side of the back. “If the right gluteus is weak, the left side of the lower back should work even harder to stabilize you.”

Of course, weak buttocks are the only reason you can experience back pain. Another common cause is tight hind thighs. “It’s called the gluteal hind femur complex,” says Dr. Sampson. “If [your hamstrings are] tight, you can not access your buttocks. They become disabled, so your back will make up for it “.

Dr. Sampson suggests these three exercises that use a resistance band to activate and strengthen your buttocks. You can do it yourself, but they can also help you practice before walking, running or hiking to fire your buttocks before the activity so that they are prepared to do what they are supposed to do when you are in motion.

Banded Squats

Squat is a move you may be familiar with. “Adding resistance bands will allow you to activate the medial gluteus gluteus,” says Dr. Sampson.

  1. Place the resistance band around the two legs. Create tension starting with your legs slightly wider than your hips.
  2. Bend your knees to lower your torso, placing the weight on your heels.
  3. Drive through the heels to return yourself to an upright position, pressing your buttocks to the top.
  4. Do 10 repetitions three times.

Keep the tension in the belt throughout the exercise, not allowing the knees to collapse.

Make sure the squat form is on target:

Banded Sidestep

“Sometimes your buttocks do not activate and if you give them more range, they will work for you,” says Dr. Sampson. Working the lateral movement with a resistance band can help.

  1. With the belt around your thighs, start with your legs open at hip width. Push your weight back through your heels into a semi-squat position.
  2. Exit to the side five times to the right and then five times back to the left.
  3. Repeat three times.

“Make sure your torso does not tilt to the side, keep your legs parallel and drive with the heel as you go out,” says Dr. Sampson. “If you can not keep your torso from tilting, reduce the range of motion.”

Live front step

This movement will add strength to your buttocks to prevent overcompensation.

  1. Start with the belt around your thighs, with your legs open at hip width.
  2. Step forward five times and back five times.
  3. Complete three sets.

Keep your knees above your feet and your feet parallel. “Make sure you take a long walk backwards,” says Dr. Sampson.

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