How to make a healthy green Smoothie with royal strawberry - Mon Wellness
How to make a healthy green Smoothie with royal strawberry

How to make a healthy green Smoothie with royal strawberry

THEOne of the best things about living in California is getting access to some of the best products in the world. Almost every day of the week, you can find local fresh markets popping up for the day offering the freshest fruits and vegetables harvested earlier that morning. When June is rolling and the sun is shining, it’s a sign that one of the most valuable seasonal foods of the summer has arrived as well: Strawberries have officially entered the conversation.

During these months, the fresh air in the local markets is filled with the sweet aroma of ripe, juicy berries — and we’ll take it over Chanel No. 5 Any day of the week. Since bottling this intoxicatingly good perfume is unfortunately not an option, how about making anything and anything soaked in strawberry as much as you can? Starting, of course, with this delicious green strawberry smoothie recipe, created by author and recipe developer Emily Maxson, the blogger behind Emily’s Fresh Kitchen and author of Emily’s Fresh Kitchen: Cook your way to better health.

Give your favorite green bessa a whole new atmosphere with this rich, tasty and naturally sweetening smoothie that shouts summer. Using some of the freshest crop of the season, this six-ingredient drink has it all – think of 20 different essential vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, monounsaturated heart-healthy fats, and the list goes on. However, the real stars of the show are the strawberry and the basil – consider them the perfect combination of fruit and herb. You will definitely want to drink this smoothie for the season all summer.

What makes this green smoothie so good for you

Strawberries, one of the main ingredients in this recipe, are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber that help support the immune system, digestive system and heart health. “Antioxidants are like little superheroes that help fight [free] “Roots – which cause cell damage and aging – and thus can protect against cancer,” said dietitian Mascha Davis, RD at Well + Good.

The smoothie also includes a cup of spinach per serving and this leafy green is full of folic acid, vitamins and iron. (Keep in mind that the taste of spinach goes almost unnoticed, FWIW.) And as we all know, secretly adding some extra greens to your smoothie is ideal for getting an extra daily serving of vegetables – basil is another that brings fresh, vivid vegetable flavor in the drink.

For a sweetness note, Maxson also adds dates, which according to the USDA have about 700 micrograms of potassium per 100 grams of fruit. They are also rich in potassium and have a significant amount of calcium and phosphorus that promote bone health. Finally, almond milk and avocado in the drink are rich in healthy fats, fiber, magnesium and antioxidants and help create an extremely rich and creamy smoothie texture. Have you bookmarked this smoothie recipe yet?

Recipe for smoothie with green basil with strawberry

strawberry strawberry smoothie
Photo: Emily’s Fresh Kitchen

Yields 2 servings

2 cups almond milk without sugar
2 cups fresh or frozen strawberries
1/4 avocado
2 dates
A handful of fresh basil (about 10 leaves)
4 cups fresh spinach

1. Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until they are liquid.

2. Serve immediately.

Quench your thirst with this bowl of smoothie that stimulates the brain:

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