4 Exercises for the Core and Glutes – Mon Wellness
4 Exercises for the Core and Glutes

4 Exercises for the Core and Glutes

Most people feel that their life is an over-planned, choreographed dance balancing many responsibilities these days. In terms of training, our available time may be limited. It is often profitable to run secretly even for 20 minutes a day to exercise.

So if you want to streamline your workout time to make as much money as possible, it may be a good idea to focus on exercises that target multiple muscle groups at once, giving you an effective way to strengthen your body. Bonuses? By working different muscle groups at the same time, these exercises better mimic the way we use our muscles in daily life, which is why they are referred to as “functional training”.

Two of the most important areas to be strengthened are core and buttocks. Together, these two major muscle groups form the bulk of the entire torso and provide a solid base for the limbs for optimal movement performance.

Why is it important to strengthen the core and buttocks?

We often hear about the importance of the power of the nucleus, but many people are not entirely sure what the nucleus entails. Often, many consider it synonymous with “abdominal”. But the nucleus refers to all the muscles of the trunk in a 360-degree perspective, including:

  • Diaphragm
  • Abdominal rectus (muscles with six packs)
  • Internal and external slopes (on the sides of the trunk)
  • Transverse abdomen (a deep core muscle that is heavily involved in stability)
  • Major and minor Doa (muscles connected from the inside of the spine and pelvis to the hip)
  • Erector spinae (spine extensions)
  • Pelvic floor muscles
  • Gluttons

Gene ShafferNSCA certified endurance and air conditioning specialist and owner ARC Athletics in New York, says the nucleus is the main anchor for the body. “These muscles help keep us stable as we move our limbs in space,” he explains. “Living in New York, I sometimes ride the subway and when the train suddenly stops, I notice that my core muscles are working to keep me steady.”

although the buttocks are technically part of the core, they are so essential that they deserve their own focus. For example, Schafer believes that buttock underuse can contribute to chronic back pain. Their strengthening is crucial not only for athletic performance, but also for daily operation.

“Many times, I have seen clients and athletes with general low back pain and lower back pain when they work to strengthen their buttocks,” he says. “Doing something as simple as tying your buttocks while standing can actually reduce stress on your waist and reduce back fatigue and lower back pain.”

4 best exercises that target the core and buttocks at the same time

Pallof press

This is an anti-rotation exercise, which means it trains your core to be a fixed anchor while your arms move in space. You can increase the volume by selecting a thicker film.

  1. Attach a resistance tape to a pole or other stationary object. You can perform the exercise on your knees or standing, but the tape must be held just in front of your chest with your elbows bent and your body perpendicular to where the tape is anchored. Your starting position should be far enough away from the anchorage point that there is decent tension in the band.
  2. By securing your core and buttocks, straighten your arms by pushing them away from your chest against the tension of the tape.
  3. Hold the extended position for a full breath and then return.
  4. Perform two to three sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Plank with leg extension

Planks are one of the best exercises for strengthening your core. Including lifting one leg will further activate your buttocks. You can even add a small loop resistance band around your ankles for more challenge.

  1. Get into a plank position on the forearm. Squeeze your buttocks and grasp your abs by pulling your navel up to your spine. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels. Breathe slowly and evenly.
  2. Maintaining proper posture, lift your right leg straight about four to six inches off the floor without bending your knee.
  3. Return to starting position with control.
  4. Complete 15 slow repetitions and then switch sides.

Road bridge

Schafer says this is a great exercise for the core and buttocks: Pushing the heel to the ground engages the buttocks and not letting the hips fall to the side, the core works.

  1. Rest your head and shoulders on a rounded canopy of a BOSU ball with your hips high in the air, your knees bent at 90 degrees and your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest.
  2. Inhale, tying your core and buttocks to lift one knee up and then bring it back down.
  3. Alternate sides, walking in place for 30-45 seconds.

Dog bird

According to Schafer, “The Bird dog is a great way to actively engage your buttocks at hip length and core muscles work to hold you in place while moving your limbs away from your body.”

  1. Exit at a desk kneeling on all fours with a flat back and wrists below your shoulders.
  2. Work your abs. Keep your neck and spine in a neutral position.
  3. Stretch your right arm and left leg away from your body at the same time and keep your balance steady. Your arm should be straight forward and your leg straight. Both must be parallel to the floor.
  4. Hold the position for a few seconds before returning.
  5. Repeat on the other side. Keep shifting until you have a total of 30 reps.

Schafer suggests doing these exercises two to three times a week. Remember to move slowly, focus on your form and feel your muscles work together for not only a more effective workout but also a more effective and functional workout.

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