Is Hard Seltzer bad for you? – Mon Wellness
Is Hard Seltzer bad for you?

Is Hard Seltzer bad for you?

smallAre ummers intended for beaches, bikinis and … hard shelters? If you’ve been celebrating the season, you’ve probably noticed a trend: Everyone seems to have a selfie on hand. Except this summer, they are sly. First, LaCroix’s popularity skyrocketed and now other brands are adding alcohol to the carbonated blend. While hard Seltzer may seem like a healthier way to drink your drink, it may not be. Ahead, registered dietitians answer the pressing question: are alcoholic jaws bad for you? Also, find out the answer to other Hard Selger Frequently Asked Questions.

So, really, are hard shelters bad for you?

The short answer: Yes. Hard Seltzer is not a healthy drink. “[Hard seltzers] “They have no nutritional value and are a source of excess calories,” explains Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, founder and director of Real Nutrition. “Although some brands are sweetened with natural fruit juice, they do not contain enough juice to offer health benefits.” At the end of the day, Shapiro adds, hard shelzer is still an alcoholic beverage and because it has a refreshing and light taste, it can be easy to over-consume it, which can lead to alcohol poisoning.

Is Hard Shelter Bad For Your Liver?

Again, because hard shelzer is alcohol, just like when you consume any other type of beverage, “your liver works overtime to remove the toxin from your body, so it burdens this organ and regular consumption of any alcohol can lead to “liver disease,” says Shapiro. “In addition, many hard shelters are sweetened with fructose-containing juice and may contain agave, which is 99 percent fructose. “Fructose is stored in the liver and too much can cause fatty liver and lead to liver disease.”

How hard shelters can affect your gut

Speaking of sugar, hard-shelled alcohol, like brands like White Claw and Truly’s, comes from fermented cane sugars, not cereal, which makes it gluten-free, but that doesn’t mean it’s better for the body. what you would find in other alcoholic beverages.

“When it comes to alcohol – like sugar – all calories are created equal. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram, almost twice as many carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, alcohol interferes with the normal processing of our body [of] “Our nutrients,” says Whitney English, MS, RDN. “Once an ingredient has been fermented (cane sugar in the case of sharp shelzer) and turned into alcohol, it is no longer that ingredient – it is alcohol. Ethanol, also known as alcohol, affects our gut the same way, regardless of its original source. It is quickly absorbed and metabolized by the liver, and any excess energy is stored as fat.

“Like any other alcohol, [hard seltzer] “It can cause inflammation in the gut and cause an imbalance in the microbiome,” says Shapiro And. Here’s why:[Hard seltzer] can cause gas and bloating from carbonation. “When you drink carbonate, you consume gas,” he says. “It can also cause inflammation in the gut… and create an imbalance in good bacteria that can lead to other digestive problems.”

For those who have a sensitive stomach, Shapiro says that the best type of alcohol to consume is actually alcohol-free because it irritates the lining of the stomach. But, if you have to drink, Shapiro advises consuming small amounts and taking it with food to minimize irritation.

Are Hard Shelters Healthier Than Other Alcoholic Options?

English says spiked seltzer is not necessarily healthier than other alcoholic beverages on the alcohol front: If you overdo it and think canning after canning is okay, as it is not a hard drink or beer, you will be wrong. It is still alcohol in this carbonated carbonated water, even if it does not taste or look like it. That said, it has some draws compared to other alcoholic beverages.

“Shelger can be lower in calories than craft beers or sugary drinks, and for that reason it is a better choice. However, compared to red wine – which has about 125 calories and less than 1 gram of sugar by average – is not the better choice “, says English. “I would warn people to limit the amount of alcohol they drink. While moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with reduced rates of certain chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, it has been shown to increase other conditions such as breast cancer. If you are going to drink, I suggest red wine to reap the antioxidant benefits of polyphenols.

Shapiro notes that another reason why hard shelzer can be considered a better choice for alcohol is that some contain lower amounts of alcohol than other alcoholic beverages, about 5 to 7 percent per can. However, non-nutritious calories do not provide health benefits.

Certainly, the spiked seltzer is undoubtedly refreshing. But do not let yourself be fooled by a box that is bright, colorful and looks nothing like beer.

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