10 Best Crystals for Treatment and How to Make the Best Use Every 2021 – Mon Wellness
10 Best Crystals for Treatment and How to Make the Best Use Every 2021

10 Best Crystals for Treatment and How to Make the Best Use Every 2021

GDespite last year’s frantic energy, you may feel ready to embrace anything and everything that offers balance. A way to find it that you may not have tried before? Different types of crystals. “Crystal therapy is the practice of applying and coordinating minerals for energy alignment and balance,” says Mariah K. Lyons, author Crystal Healing for women and the founder of Astara, a shoe company that incorporates crystals into its designs. The right crystals can offer “holistic well-being of mind, body and spirit,” he says.

in this article

The therapeutic uses of crystals go far back, too. Elizabeth Trattner, a licensed acupuncturist and specialist in integrated medicine based in Florida, who performs facial treatments with crystal infusion and acupuncture, says that crystal healing was practiced by the ancient Egyptians during the Roman Empire. And, he adds, crystals are still used today in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

So how does this kind of treatment work? The atoms in the crystals have unique vibrating movements that determine how the stones will behave in the presence of heat or light. In fact, everything in the universe – including our mortals – vibrates this way, says Lyons. “When we work with specific vibrations, they have the ability to balance and harmonize our own energies within our body and this helps to create well-being in our energy field and in the physical body,” says Trattner.

As for the scientific evidence proving the effectiveness of crystal therapy, there is not really much. “This is because current science is materialistic. “You have to have something natural to measure for a scientific study,” said Azalea Lee, a Los Angeles-based crystal therapist and designer of the metaphysical fine jewelry line, As Above So Below. “But crystal healing energy is metaphysical and has no physical density to measure. Therefore, it is not in line with the scientific method “. But Trattner points out that there is research showing that crystals can be medically beneficial. And the belief that they work can be very strong (just look at the placebo studies).

Crystal curious? Keep reading to find out how to find the right crystals for you.

How to find the right types of crystals for you and your needs

Find an ethical source

First and foremost, Trattner advises you to buy from a reputable seller who has crystals that are mined in an environmentally friendly way using ethical work practices. This may require some Googling, but it’s worth it.

Do not choose simply based on the description of a crystal

A common mistake when it comes to choosing crystals, says Lee, is choosing them based on their description. This is because, often, the information does not come from an authentic experience. “Although crystals have metaphysical properties that are offered in certain situations, summarizing crystals in abbreviated sonic properties does more harm than good to people working with them,” he says. “You are a unique person, so how you respond to the energy of one crystal may have a different specific effect than it would for another.” So while crystal descriptions can be helpful in understanding a general understanding of a crystal, this should not be the only deciding factor.

Use your intuition

Because your intuition is paramount in choosing the right types of crystals for you, Lyons recommends choosing the crystals that appeal to you the most. If you are shopping IRL, hold the crystal in your hand and observe how you feel. If there is an energy connection between you and the crystal that you can not explain exactly, you have found it.

The best types of crystals to treat

pink quartz

Pink Quartz – $ 14.00

If you are working to cultivate a deeper sense of love for yourself, quartz pink is the stone for you. “Pink quartz emits the frequency of pure, unconditional love. “It helps balance, calm, harmonize and heal the body, mind and spirit and deepen the relationship with self, family, community and the Earth,” says Lyons. Pink quartz crystals, he adds, are easy to use during bathing rituals or self-healing meditation. Or, place a piece of raw pink quartz under your bed to improve your sleep.

pure quartz

Clear quartz – $ 11.00

Pure quartz is known as the “main healer” because it helps to align all your chakras and adapt to energy with all the other crystals. “It is a very powerful, easily programmable energy and intent magnifier and can help you access and manifest higher states of consciousness,” says Lyons. “Use clean quartz spots in self-healing rituals and crystal lattices and use clusters to enhance the energy of an environment. “When you place points on your body, always turn the crystal vertically up and down on your body, so as not to break the energy line.”

smoked quartz

Smoked quartz – $ 20.00

Quartz smoke is known for its ability to remove negative energy. Approach this stone when you are stressed or when your body is stretched. “Quartz smoke helps transform dense energy, while also creating a grounding and calming effect on the system,” says Lyons. “It is a stepping stone to surrender, surrender to the unknown and move on in life.” This makes it a great companion during stressful transitions. You can also use it to facilitate a positive atmosphere in your home or in any communal environment.

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline – $ 18.00

Trattner refers to black tourmaline as “the master” when it comes to removing negativity. “Tourmalines carry a charge with both positive and negative poles,” he says, adding that finely ground tourmaline emits a lot of infrared radiation (FIR), which has therapeutic benefits. Some proponents of crystals even place black tourmaline near their electronic devices because it is believed to reduce the effects of electromagnetic energy on the body.

Lee adds that “black tourmaline helps to recycle energy in a balanced state and since most people experience negative energy, black tourmaline helps to neutralize it.”


Malachite – $ 17.00

If you are dealing with something big, malachite can be a great crystal to have at your disposal for energy support. “Malachite offers protection, deep healing and cleansing both physically and energetically,” says Lyons. “This stone helps to release old wounds, wounds and patterns that are stored in the cellular structure of the body and is a beautiful stone to work in times of transition, distress and loss.”


Kunzite – $ 6.00

Do you need an extra dose of love and compassion in your life? Get a kunzite crystal. Lyons says kunzite helps clear your aura, enlarge your heart, and heal old wounds from previous relationships. Approach this if you need harmony and flow in life (and, really, do not we all do it now?). “Kunzite connects you to the feminine or matriarchal side of your background,” says Lyons. Trattner adds that kunzite is also great for facilitating calm and a sense of grounding – which is exactly the kind of support we all need right now.


Selenite – $ 17.00

If there was an absolute set of starting crystals, selenite would be included – and for good reason. “Selenite is like liquid light,” says Trattner, adding that it is great for clearing the negative energy of a room. It is recommended to place it on your windowsill together with black tourmaline and quartz crystals to maintain the energy of your space.


Lepidolite – $ 3.00

Think of lepidolite as a crystal cooling pill that is said to have a calming effect on the mind and body. “This stone soothes and relaxes frayed emotions, a strained mind and a tense physical body,” says Lyons. “It can calm the central nervous system and is a wonderful stone for when you feel anxious or tired or if you have panic disorder, insomnia or premenstrual syndrome.”


Prehnite – $ 19.00

Do you know how to wear your own oxygen mask before helping others in an emergency? Prehnite is the crystalline embodiment of this practice. Use it to take care of yourself so that you have the energy and ability to support others. Lyons says it helps “heal the therapist” and is therefore often a great choice for parents, carers and activists.


Hematite – $ 15.00

Hematite is one of the three crystal cores that Lee recommends everyone have in their crystal set and also an excellent starting stone if you are starting to work with crystals. (The other two are black tourmaline and pink quartz.) “Hematite is the ultimate ground stone that connects you to your natural wisdom and what it means to live in a natural world, including your relationship with money,” he says. Working diligently with hematite or any of the key crystals it suggests “will begin the process of revealing distortions in your energy that prevented you from experiencing deep happiness and fullness,” he says.

The takeaway for different types of crystals

Remember that you can not go wrong when choosing the “right” types of crystals to work with. “More important than choosing the ‘right’ crystal is your willingness and dedication to work with a crystal, to understand its true energies, and to work with it consistently and with presence,” says Lee.

In other words, crystals are great healing companions, but they are not going to do the magic for you. This is why Lee compares crystals to toothpicks. “Over time, crystals can help you straighten things out, but you need to use them consistently, maintain good energy hygiene and be willing to suffer a little to get to the end result,” he says. “There is a lot of work at your end, but if you are serious, crystals will definitely help you.”

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