5 Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading – Mon Wellness
5 Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading

5 Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading

largeGases are great everywhere — they can help your garden grow better, keep you warm in unpredictable weather (hello, spring) and protect your skin from sun damage. Is another layered part particularly beneficial? In a Pilates workout that can help you target specific muscle groups over a longer period of time to build muscle endurance while getting stronger.

For her workouts, Kirsten King, founder of Fluidform Pilates, says she focuses on integrating isometric grips (causing muscles to stop at the most difficult point of movement) and isotonic grips (requiring muscles to stretch and contract while maintaining the same intensity) also. as layering techniques to tire your muscles while supporting and challenging your body. “I focus on your slow contraction, your stabilizing muscles, which support your joints, your stability, your balance and your posture,” explains King. “I work these muscles with slow, controlled movements.”

Not only is it a smart way to build strength, but it also allows you to deal with body imbalances that can occur when certain muscles are stronger and overcompensate for the weaker ones. As a result, you will minimize the risk of injury caused by a malfunctioning system. “This strength and stability will support not only your fitness, but also your daily performance,” says King. “You will experience less pain and imbalances, you will improve your flexibility and you will start moving more efficiently.”

Clinging to small, controlled movements is performed slowly also means you can do a really steady workout without sweating. Don’t you believe it? Try these five Pilates exercises for the lower abdomen below to see for yourself.

To be effective, however, King notes that you need to maintain a neutral spine, which means you do not want to stick your tail down or flatten your waist on the floor. Instead, divert your thinking to good things in life, such as a blueberry on your back when lying down and try not to squeeze it.

5 Pilates Exercises for the Low Abs

Prayer position above the ball

  1. Start by lying on your back with a soft Pilates ball (or small pillow folded in half) between your shoulders. Bend your legs so that the soles of your feet are joined and your knees are wide open (like a recumbent butterfly). Put your hands behind your head to support your neck and clasp your fingers or keep them away to the side. Keep your pelvis neutral.
  2. Inhale here and there with the exhale, gently lift your face and chest up towards the roof, feeling your body weight go up and down the ball.
  3. Keeping the neutral, inhale to the top and with the exhale lie back and above the ball.
  4. Repeat this 10 times, squeezing your legs together all the time.

Breast lift with one leg

  1. Lie on your back and above your ball (between your shoulders) with one foot straight, so that your toes are bent backwards towards you. Your other leg is bent, your leg resting on the floor.
  2. Inhale and exhale, maintaining a neutral pelvis as you lift your face and chest up toward the ceiling. Inhale at the top and exhale while lying on your back and above the ball.
  3. Repeat this movement and this time lift your long leg up, bringing your knee straight with that of your bent leg as you lift your chest. Inhale and exhale, lower your leg as you lie behind the ball. Make sure you only lift your long leg as high as you can, while maintaining a neutral pelvis.
  4. Repeat this 10 times before changing legs.

Breast lift

  1. Lie on your back and above the ball (still between your shoulders), this time with two legs bent and both feet flat on the floor.
  2. Inhale in this position and exhale to lift your face and chest up to the ceiling. As you get up, you want to feel your heels being pushed down and into the mat, and at the same time being pulled back towards your bottom. This ensures that you find a deeper connection through your hind thighs and lower abdomen. Maintain this connection through your legs as your chest rises above and above the ball.
  3. Repeat this 10 times.

Lifting board with one foot

  1. Sit on all fours in your arms and knees with both wrists under your shoulders, pressing your 10 fingers down and into the mat. Next, spread each foot outward in a plank position, ensuring that your pelvis is level with your shoulders.
  2. Inhale and exhale, lift one leg up so that it is in line with your pelvis.
  3. Inhale at the top and exhale to lower your foot back to the ground and then repeat on the other side.
  4. Repeat this 10 times.

If your board could use a refresher:

Knee blows

  1. Return to the arms and knees by pressing 10 fingers on the mat and both knees below your hips.
  2. Slide your toes down, inhale and exhale, press your hands and raise your knees to hover just an inch off the ground. Hold for five seconds, then lower your knees to hit the floor.
  3. Repeat this 10 times.

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