3 Astrological Explanations For Why We’re Currently So Tired – Mon Wellness
3 Astrological Explanations For Why We’re Currently So Tired

3 Astrological Explanations For Why We’re Currently So Tired

ΤHere are myriad factors that could make you feel tired every day. For example, you may not have gotten enough sleep the night before, or your life may have been just as stressful. But, regarding any current period of exhaustion, there are also some astrological explanations that could help explain why. In fact, three major cosmic events, in particular, could leave people with a less energetic air:
  1. Eclipse season: This includes a partial solar eclipse in Taurus, which occurred on April 30, and the impending lunar eclipse of May 16 in Scorpio, the sign of death, rebirth and transformation.
  2. The Fish Stable: The large number of planets in the dream sign of Pisces can have us all the course in our emotions (and, frankly, exhausted).
  3. Planets in retrograde: Retrograde cycles occur when a celestial body appears to be moving backwards and serves as time to slow down.

Keep reading to learn exactly how these astrological events can drain collective energy.

3 astrological explanations for why we are all so tired right now

1. It is the time of eclipses

Astrologers agree that the eclipse season is probably the biggest culprit to explain sluggishness right now. “Eclipses are just energy-consuming moments,” says astrologer Ryan Marquardt. “It is usually not advisable to focus your energy carefully during eclipses. It’s a moment to stop the event, to relax and see what comes and goes in your life “. With that in mind, you may feel tired if you try to make things happen right now.

In terms of these crossings, the solar eclipse in Taurus may have made people think about what they value, their fears about money, their budgets and whether or not they are paid as much as they deserve, says astrologer Rachel. Lang. “In addition, Taurus is a very sensual sign of the Earth, so taking care of our body was a really big issue for the Taurus eclipse, so I think a lot of people are more tired.”

As for what you can expect from the upcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio, which occurs alongside the full moon? “Things come to light with a full moon,” says Marquardt. “Because it is in Scorpio, there may be something subconscious or hidden out of your sight right now and you have to deal with it.” Marquardt adds that this can be unpleasant because it can involve dealing with fears, healing subconscious wounds, and classifying repressed memories.
Want to know more about how the moon can affect you? Watch this video about the phases of the moon:

2. They exist at the moment very of planets in emotional Pisces

Whenever three or more planets are in a zodiac sign, astrologers refer to it as stellium. Although a stellium is not necessarily rare, this sign will probably affect the vibes that people feel in their lives. With Venus (the planet of love, beauty and values), Mars (the planet of natural energy), Jupiter (the planet of fortune) and Poseidon (the planet of inspiration) all in the emotional Pisces right now , there is a quadrupling of the effect of the twin fish.

“With Mars moving in Pisces, it is difficult to maintain our energy levels and the incentives are starting to run out.” – Ryan Marquardt, astrologer

“But what tires everyone is Mars in Pisces, because Mars is your energy level,” says Marquardt. “With Mars moving in Pisces, it is difficult to maintain our energy levels and the incentives are starting to run out.” The good news here, Marquardt adds, is that Mars will move to Aries starting on its own on May 25, so we can expect energy levels to normalize at least until then.

3. Retrograde planets

From February 3 to April 29, there were no retrograde planets that felt they could rule the world. But that changed when Pluto began to return to Capricorn with a goal and structure, where the renaissance planet encourages people to do some serious soul-searching until October 6th.

“Pluto is basically Hades, the ruler of the underworld, so being retrograde means being deeper in this state,” says Marquardt. “It’s about leaning on those parts of you that you know aren’t working.” And if you do not do this for yourself, it is possible that the energy of Pluto-meets-Capricorn will bring it out for you – which, frankly, even sounds exhausting.

And although we do not enter the infamous Mercury retrograde until May 10, we may continue to feel its slowdown due to the fact that each retrograde has a shady period. A period of shadowing occurs for a week or two before and after the planet becomes retrograde, and its results are similar to those of the retrograde itself. Mercury’s retrograde course is often associated with mishaps in travel, technology, communication and thought processes, so you may just be tired because things continue to go wrong in these spheres during this period of “retrospective shading”. .

While there are some very powerful astrological explanations for why we are tired, it is also not the time to go straight down gloom and disaster. Rather, it is the way the universe suggests (require?) To slow down and lean into relaxing energy whenever possible.

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